Saturday, December 25, 2010

{Curse you Greek Diablo!!}

One word......

There is a mutant gene in our family that cannot stop at one piece.  In fact, put an entire tray in front of us at a funeral dinner, and we will make sure to clean that up for ya!
Hey!!!  In our defense, we didn't know they didn't have more in the back for everyone else. 
It just made sense that every person should be able to have 7-10 pieces.

For a Christmas treat, my Aunt T. fed my cursed addiction.....
the addiction that made me eat six pieces.....
in ONE sitting!!!!!

how you are the devil!

My fup is hanging on my lap,
my gut is churning crap,

you really are an asshole! 


paula said...

I almost choked when I read "fup". Does anyone besides Chelise and I know what the term fup is? I haven't heard it in ages....since a certain trip to Elko a couple years ago. LMAO! Now you need to tell everyone what it means.

I have a confession. I've never tasted Baklavva. I think I need looks deeelish.

Hope your Christmas was great!

Tracy said...

Don't worry, Jol. You got me back with your Awesome refried beans today! :(
Or, was it the 5 deviled eggs I ate this morning?? CURSES to all Holiday Food Fare!!!
Merry Fuppin' Xmas! ;)

Anonymous said...

OOOHHHH Baklava...Katie bought some for me too. Chris and I had our Baklava smack down in front of 40 guests..I won!!


Chelise said...

My Fup is definitely hanging in my lap! Do people know how truly active, ie: trying to run our asses off on the eliptical and treadymill, just so are bodies are not permanently fattened by this mutant gene...or bud light?? It's alot of work people, A LOT of work!

I missed the smackdown between my Momma and Aunt Chris! I was visiting Justin at the station, but, I got to make people pull over, as we sped by, in the big ass ladder truck! It's pretty cool!