Saturday, December 11, 2010

{Sometimes you feel like a nut...}

I eat raw almonds like candy.
When I'm needing a chocolate fix, I combine almonds and the little chocolate goldfish in a bowl.  
They taste like a Hershey's almond bar.

I was getting the itch to take my creation to a 
In celebration of the holiday season, I made my own cinnamon roasted almonds.
a little bit of agave nectar
a dash of vanilla
a whole lot of cinnamon
mix in a bowl and add the nuts
fully coat the almonds
lay out on a foil lined/pam sprayed pan
bake in 375 degree oven
keep an eye on them...
they can go from perfection to burned in a short time.

And you should smell my house!!!
Great to have on hand for guests or movie nights :)

1 comment:

Chelise said...

Hey Betty!! Can you come over?? I'm starvin!!