Sunday, December 12, 2010

{Fund raiser for West Valley}

Yes, I got another speeding ticket.
This time it was on Bangerter and about 3500 South.
Apparently, I was driving 11 over the speed limit.
The forgiving cop only wrote me up for 5 over,
 which saved me about $95.
I didn't seem very appreciative of his kindness as he was handing me my ticket.  He let me know that it would be $105, and another $50 if I wanted to take traffic school.
I grabbed the ticket out of his hand, misplacing my anger for my own lead-foot and placing it on the COPper.
My fired up eyes, the anger in my breathing, and my lack of, "gee!  thanks dude!" attitude, probably made officer friendly regret his choice in giving lenience to such a bitchy blonde.

Fast forward to a week later.......
I had to pay the ticket in person at the West Valley City building.
After about 3 steps into the door, you are instructed to go through a metal detector and place your valuables on the x-ray belt.
Jax and I cleared the detector, but my zebra print purse did not.

"Mam, do you have pepper spray in your bag?" 
"'s right there, you can see it in the outer pocket"
"Mam, did you read the sign?"
"I don't know....what sign?"
"The sign that says 'NO GUNS, KNIVES, OR PEPPER-SPRAY'.  It was posted as you walked through the detection."
"No, I didn't see the sign.  I'm sorry.  This whole thing kind of scared the vision out of me."
"Well mam, you will need to leave this (pepper spray) with me until you exit the department."

I handed over my spray and headed toward the 
My first stop is to the traffic school appointment scheduler-person.
She informed me that I am not eligible to take the class because it has been less than a year since my last ticket.
Ok...I've got a problem.
Yes, I'm aware that I need to slow the freak down!
I'm working on it!  I promise.
I then go to the line that leads to a cashier.
The lady in front of me is agitated and pissed to be here.
I swear, I was wishing I had my pepper spray.  The lady looked like she didn't need a weapon to kill, was ready to kill,  and I assumed I might be in need of some protection.
Her looks and bare hands had plenty of scary force to do major bodily harm to anyone in her way.
I soon found out exactly why she was going postal....
The cashier told her that her ticket would be $400!!!!
I so badly wanted to ask her what the hell she did to get such a hefty fine!
And I would have, if I didn't think she would have wrapped my tongue around my neck and hung me by my eyelashes.
She threw her credit card at the cashier and started mumbling obscenities.
I felt bad for her.
It's right before Christmas for God's sake!!!!

My conclusion:
West Valley City is in desperate need of raising funds.
They are on a "ticket titty twister", and when they get you....
OH BOY!!!! Watch out!
The fines are fierce.

Maybe the fund raiser is to help the clerks that are employed at the WVC public building.
I'm sure it takes a lot of money to keep their hair sprayed to the heavens and their Tammy Fay Baker makeup freshly applied hourly.
It is West Valley after all.

Beware of driving in WVC!!!!!!
It is NOT your friend.


paula said...

I still feel bad because you were coming FROM my house. That's a pisser about the traffic school. Looking at the bright least you didn't have to pay $400.

Anonymous said...

What a bummer!! I'm also a lead foot Lucy, my excuse is I can't see the speed limit signs, or anything else for that matter. At least they did away with those stupid camaras.


Speed Demon said...

Uh, YEH! Thanks for the warning, Jol!
I made it to work this morning in 12 minutes--do the math...thru WEST FREAKIN VALLEY!!! Um, guess I need to get up an extra !/2 hr early, huh???

Chelise said...

I would classify that visit as "Lesson #1 in City Government" for Jax's hours for school!

Will that count as some Driving Instruction as well...."Don't Speed in West Valley??"

My motto: get what you can out of the experience in any way,shape, or form! Still sucks !@#$ tho....I'm sorry, lovee!