Wednesday, December 1, 2010

{Happy Birthday Mr. Feather hair!}

Quite the "Saturday night Fever" hairstyle, if I must say!
I will give him a little slack since this was like..... 25 years ago,
and he was only 18 (almost 19),
 and he was 168 pounds and 6' 6" gangly tall
 (skin and bones),
 and he had pigment in his hair, yet no color in his skin except for the red splotches of acne.

Today is Randy's birthday.
He is 44.
I believe my man has gotten better lookin'
with age  (so not fair!)
better lookin' with grey (even MORE not fair!) 
and better lookin' being a dad (totally great!).
What a man! What a man!

Happy Birthday Rand!
Hope it's a great day for you to realize how far you've come baby!
You are loved :)


Anonymous said...


You're one of our family treasures--no doubt about that.
You're one of those priceless rarities--a truly caring person.
My super precious memory of you is when I was within earshot recently when you discretely delivered "Dad Laying Down the Law" talk to River. Gentle words,very clear--but not negotiable.
I can still see and feel the respectful, thoughtful response on River's face. I had to maintain an impassive face, but I was gulping down my tears.
I was so proud of both of you. That's what makes it so meaningful to me that I'm still here to be part of our family.

Anonymous said...

I knew from the first time we all met you that you were a keeper Randy.You deserve all the banana cream pie you can swallow today. Happy 44th, we'll keep you for another 44!!


Tracy said...

U ROCK, RD! Thanks for being U!!

segura2salazar said...

Happy Birthday handsome! I hope you gusy have a great one.

Anonymous said...


I have to tell you: I used to call one of my old flames (when I was in High School) "My Feather Hair Sweetheart."
I still get that OLD FEELING when I think back and picture that kid in my memory bank.
When I read the description "Feather Hair." in your blog, I experienced a momentarily jolt. I felt as if you had broken into my secret memory vault.

Chelise said...

Randy, Randy, Randy.....


You are strength, love, kindness, compassion, hard working, and tall, personified. We love you so much and hope your birthday was as wonderful as you are!

I have to trade you in for two 22s tho!