Saturday, August 21, 2010

{Don't you fear! Jax is here!}

Jax has always had a fascination with super hero's.  Specifically Spiderman.  Remember, he was Spiderman for like 3 years in a row for Halloween!  He used to wear his old Halloween costumes throughout the entire year playing, using his imagination, being something SUPER human!!!

We have ran short of old costumes that fit Jax anymore.
(do they make Spiderman in mens sizes???)

He decided to take matters into his own hands!
He took an old shirt- cut pieces off for the mask- and took a needle and thread and hand sewed the shirt back together!!!!!
(yes Paula! You would be proud)

As we were walking into the store, I see a peek of the costume from the bottom of Jax's sleeve.
I asked him if he had it on under his real clothes.
He said, "SHHHHH mom! A super hero is very private and quiet.  You don't want the bad guys to know that I'm in the store protecting everyone!!!!!!  I have to catch them off guard!"

And he was genuinely SERIOUS!

p.s. He also has a paper clip that is unfolded in one direction.  That unfolded part holds poison in the tip  ;)
His secret weapon


Just in........
Apparently, his sewing skills aren't "ALL THAT"
(ok, maybe Paula isn't so proud)
He now has a vest and a couple  of China Town swords to protect all of mankind.
The life of a superhero changes daily!


Chelise said...

Superhero Jax!!! I need your help! I have fallen under the deathly grip of.....a sinus infection and cold. Please help right away!! My head could explode! Help!

paula said...

I am laughing my A off right now. Way to go Jax-now that's what I call innovation. I am proud. I find it hilarious that he wore the costume underneath his real clothes.

P.S. I think the only place you can find superhero costumes in men's sizes is at the sex shop store...try Blue Boutique. Not that I know from experience.....I'm just saying-maybe they have some.

Amie said...

LMAO! Now you have to watch "Kick Ass"!