Saturday, August 28, 2010

{I will never have that time back!}

The last three books that I have read, have been, to say the least, a waste of my life! 
I am disappointed........
So :) if you have nothing to do for a few hours a day, and you do not care that time reading these will be valuable time in your life that you will never get back......
then go a head...pick one up.

Otherwise......STEER CLEAR!!!!

A mother get's hooked on meth and when you think it can't get worse,
The family's MASS problems get tiring and ridiculous. 
 I couldn't even finish the last parts because I was disgusted.


Spirits that live a drawer? 
 Fascinations with a cemetery!
  Sick relationships with siblings. 
 Flying to heaven on the wings of a crow?!?!?!?!?
This one was especially frustrating to me because it heavily hooked me in on the first half......and went tragically speeding downhill after that.
Narrated by a young her thoughts and experiences of living in a small town.
Sounds good right?!?!
The gossips, the affairs, the simplicity, the confusion, the twisted minds that have nothing to do but worry about their neighbors business.
Witty, funny, and relatable.
Again.....hooked me in until the middle of the book....
started seeing it go in a direction that made me sick to my stomach.
Older men relations with young girls. 
Had to finish it....had to follow it through..
cuz it just might make a turn and have a reason for the unjust.
Boy! was I wrong!  

Is this happening to you too???? 
 What am I doing to  be attracted to certain stories that get dark and ugly in the end??? 

And another thing!!!
Each one of these books seem as if the last halves were thrown together with endings that are all of a sudden pulled out of no-where and shmooshed in a ball of shit to meet a deadline.
What happened to good, happy, meaningful endings????
I want material that moves me....and the time spent reading was food for my body.
Are people not writing like that anymore?

Any good books that you can refer that doesn't involved creepy spirits, drugged mothers, or rape?????

(Eat, Pray, Love is a good one...I've read it!! 
 Just saw the movie last night!!!   Giving my review soon)


Tracy said...

Yeah, I've given up on reading all together...just makes me sleepy zzzzz
MOVIES--that's where it's at!
Looking forward to your review of EPL

Chelise said...

I am with you darlin! Although, Half Broke Horses, by Jeanette Walls was not life changing for me, but a damn good read! Other than that, that's all I got Babe! Maybe we should do a classics series......

Anonymous said...

Three words...books on tape!!


Anonymous said...

Three words...books on tape!!


paula said...

Amen Sista! I am having the same problem. I don't know if I'm choosing crap books or if I'm just having commitment issues with books because I have other things that need to be done before I have the baby. I just returned two more books to the library that I was so excited to read and I couldn't get past page 60 on either one because they were so lame. We need to check out the new Stephanie last we're guaranteed a laugh. After that, I think I'm just going to stick with the smutty sex novels for awhile. I have a ton you can borrow, compliments of my mother of course.