Wednesday, August 25, 2010

{Head, shoulders, balls and toes,
 balls and toes}

Tracy has been getting grandma in prestine physical shape for Parker and Sam's wedding.
Grandma has been pumping weights, leg press, stretches, and this particular ball exercise featured in the pictures.
A Dora the Explorer ball between your legs seems a bit creepish at first, but when you see what grandma can do with that ball!!!!!
Would you be proud!!!!
(Now I know where all of us gal offspring get our moves from!)
{{ wink, wink}}
yippee kiyay!!

Her core is strong and she has some great biceps to prove her hours of commitment.
This ball exercise takes some balance and muscle as you lift one leg at a time moving the ball up and down.
Grandma was still "ball rollin" even after I had to quit because I was cramping in the hip area.....and the thigh area....and maybe a little in the buttocks.

She's a strong ol' brod, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her swinging from chandeliers again real soon!

I'm not kidding people, when I say that we got our wild and crazy streaks from Grandma!!!!
Don't EVEN let that wheel chair fool ya!

I can hear Randy yelling.......
"don't forget the stubborn streaks and opinionated streaks too"


Sarah Jackman said...

That's what I always say (the wild and crazy part)!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a ball o fun to me