Friday, August 27, 2010

{Just take a pill}

While walking and shopping at the mall, Jax spurts out of nowhere
"There's got to be a magic pill".
He said it as if he was thinking to himself out loud.

I looked at him strangely and said,
"Whatchu talkin' about Willis?!?!?" 

Because when kids start talking about "magic pills", it kinda raises a red flag. 

Anyway, he explains that life would be great if you only had to take one magic pill a day and it would:

1~ Make you very smart

2~ Instantly clean your teeth and make them really, really white.  Then he smiles a large toothy smile and says" TINK"

3~ Make your head never itchy and never have dandruff

4~ Make zits go away for ever

5~ Make you smell like you have smell-good stuff on all the time

After hearing those 5 simple requests of a "magic pill",  I lowered the red flag, and realized that the boy has severe interest in body upkeep and hygiene!!!!.....and I'll tell ya what!!!  If I could take a "magic pill" for all of those same issues, I surely would! 
Alice would be #1 on my speed dial!

Isn't it funny how our kids can say something that make us crazy with worry.....because we jump to the worst conclusion.  With more talking and explanation, you realize that they still have innocence and child-like thoughts.
What a relief!


Anonymous said...

I would take a pill to for food, that would leave us more time to drink!!


Chelise said...

I never would have thought I would ever hear those words uttered from my Mom's lips! Good job Momma!

I wish there was a pill that could get all this stuff done around here. I have no motivation what-so-evva.........