Monday, September 14, 2009

{Aunt E's email of the day}
Looks like you two had a delicious anniversary. Randy even had his eyes open for the pics. You two still make a cute couple.
Everything is a go for the BIG Bash. I think Gene has decided to drive the motor home up towing the trailer. It just wouldn't be a fun trip without hauling something around. Last week I thought we were flying...
Ms Lexie tried to wear her Burger King crown to school the other day. I told her she couldn't wear it, but of course she had a great reason to. She had to wear the crown to cover the "bald" spot on her head...she thinks the part in her hair is a bald spot.
Have a great Sunday.

Auntie E
Gotta love Lex and her "I'm big enought to make my own decisions" attitude!
Gotta love Gene and his addiction of pulling a trailer!

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