Wednesday, September 16, 2009

{The shit kickers}
This is an altered card that Grandma B sent Randy and I for our anniversary.
For those of you that weren't there, and for those of you that may not remember.....Let me take you back to the afternoon of September 9, 1989.........
After hyperventalating into a paper sack for 5 minutes, and my dad telling me that we really need to get this thing going because I have stalled long enough and people are waiting on me, (for real!)
I wobble knee'd to the top of the red carpet.....
the carpet that I would walk down to become Mrs. DeVries.
As I look to the bottom, I see Randy fidgiting and scared too.
Awe....he's so cute!
THEN I see my wedding nemesis.......
The snakeskin boots.
I say, "Godammit! I told him not to wear those!"
He see's my reaction and gives me a little "ha! ha!" smirk.
The boot story goes down in history as part of Randy's rebelious side.  And of course, the boots were a huge part of the fun and great memories.  I really am glad that my rebel with a cause didn't listen to me......but just for that one time.
Thanks G-ma for the card......couldn't be more perfect!!


paula said...

Just when I think I know all your stories.....I love this! I can see you saying that and Randy smirking at you as you are. Very impressed with the card....that's a keeper.

Amie said...

Girl at least after 20 years of marriage you finally have him trained! That was the last of his rebellious side! It all ended when he said "I DO"! Shit!!!! Mike's still not trained!

Unknown said...

All I can say is look at the circus monkeys. They all wear snakeskin boots in the wild and yet once they hitch up, its all up to the circus master as to what they eat,wear, and say. Rand, I say wear the boots to the party and grow back the mullet!