Monday, November 22, 2010

{Aloha Winter}

The first real winter snow storm of 2010,  laid down a foot in one night.
The boys raced out of bed Sunday morning to start on their giant snowman.
Somewhere along the way, the 10' snow tower started looking less like a snowman, and more like???......
something that wasn't a snowman.
In the end, it became an igloo hideout from the neighbor boys'  Nerf gun bullets and pelting snowballs :)

Boys + snow = hours of frostbite fun!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't send any of that cold stuff our way. The boys make it look so fun,the pic with them on the snow penis is great.


Chelise said...

I was thinking the same thing, bout the snow penis! You can keep all that white shiz!! What are you doing living there? SAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!