Wednesday, November 17, 2010

{boobin' like a Britney lover}

I've been back from Arizona a day, and all I've done is whined about how down right ridiculous this Utah weather is!!!!
Hey! You would be whining too if you left 74 degree bliss
for 40 degrees
 and winds 90 mph
and rain
and sleet hitting your face diagonally to give the feeling of a knife slashing your top three layers of fragile skin which Oil of Olay can't even begin to repair.

Our trip to Arizona was a good one in spite of the sad reason that led us there.
Ralph's funeral service was everything he wanted it to be,
 (he had it pre-planned with specifics to be followed through).
Carol held strong at moments, and weakened at others.
There was a great deal of organizing and sifting through their shared apartment.
Ralph's children came to get his belongings right away.
Randy worked diligently to put the apartment back to order and comfortable for Carol.
We asked her to come to Utah with us to spend some time with the family and enjoy the Thanksgiving ritual.
She chose to stay put for now.....
"a grieving process that I need to go through on my own", she said.
We understood.

While out of town, we celebrated Damon's 35th birthday
on Saturday, November 13.

I think this is around 1978. Jolie 7, Damon 2
See the little blue bump on his head :(  he must have toppled over and bonked something.
His head  was bigger than is body at that time.  Poor bubby

I made sure to live his party for him.
One drink for you, one for me, another for me, and then I'll even drink yours too, and then maybe one more for me!!! 
 OK!  Woo Woo!

I made sure to live his hangover for him too ;)
It was a doozy!
But hey, what are sisters for?

P.S.  Thank you to my AZ family that gave us love, support, laughter, hugs, food and accomodations.
You all Rock My Heart :)


paula said...

This picture is so precious. It makes me cry.

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed every minute of the visit.Randy left his toothbrush so he could come back.It is beautiful here, but we earned it!! Sorry about the bad weather, I was just sitting out on the patio thinking about how cold you must be...
Hurry, start the car!!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you on Saturday. What a precious picture of you two. hugs... Megan

Anonymous said...


Dearest Granddaughter Jolie Janin:

Thanks for posting this this sweetest ever photo memory.

I was thinking about you both this weekend.

Grandma B

Chelise said...

Happy Birthday Damon!! I was sure to celebrate you right along with your sister! Shared the hangover as well, but hey! What are cousins for, right?