Wednesday, November 3, 2010

{Someday is today}

I remember thinking....
someday my boys will cook their own food
someday my boys will take care of their own body
someday my boys will be old enough stay home on their own
someday my boys will pump my gas for me!!!!!

Someday is today
Yes people!!!!! 
 Randy and I have our own set of Gomer Pyle(s)!

And it's awesome!!!

All you mothers with boys....just you wait!!!
It's just one of the juicy fruits of our labor!


lisa_sims said...

I have girls and will teach them to clean my house and pump my gas! Can't wait until we reach those milestones. Good job mama Jolie!

Aunt T said...

Now, if they could just give manis & pedis! SAWEET!! :)

Anonymous said...

Daryll and Daryll are just growing up so fast, wait till they drive!! I see Riv in a Suberu and Jax in a pimped out Chevy.


Chelise said...

I do love child labor! Send them over to my house, k, cause Cash won't be there for like 6-7 years!!