Wednesday, November 3, 2010

{things that ROCK my world}

My new grey ankle boots
Aren't they so cute!!
$14.99 at Ross.

I love the vintage design.
20's inspired? 
I think so.
I also love the length of the heel.
It has enough to raise me off the ground for leg extension,
yet not so much that I waddle like my feet are giving birth to a bunion!
You know the typical  me.....
do wedges OR do crutches!!!
And usually I'm smart enough to choose correctly....
Wedges it is!!!
You can see why these boots with a real heel are a sweet treat for me!!!
A pair of dark blue jeggings matched with a grey knit sweater,
and I believe I'm ready for fall attire!

If there is one thing that I am not liking about these grey sky lovlies,
it is that they smell like China.
(or Cheena as I like to call it)
My whole closet now smells like Cheena.
I believe the only cure would be to walk the streets of Vegas to UN-Cheena these babies!!!
Yah, for the love of smell-good fashion,
I think that is what I must do!

(There is seriously something about the grey dyes that China produces!!!  I had a grey steering wheel cover that smelled like Cheena for a year!!!  I finally threw it away because it made me want to whirl numchucks at my face every time I drove.  I'm concerned about the length of time I will be able to endure the smell of my boots.....
will be a sad day if Cheena wins and the boots have to be destroyed by way of


Anonymous said...

Did you check them for bed bugs? Spray them with Fabreeze...They are too cute to throw out. If the smell gets too much for you, send them to me,with my sinus problem I can't smell a thing.


paula said...

Ooh-love them. I once got a pair of shoes from a street vendor in NYC and they reeked like China! I bought them anyway thinking the smell would go away. I later found out in one of my fashion classes in college that it's actually a chemical they spray on all the cargo that comes from certain places on the ships to keep the rats/rodents/bugs/etc away during the shipping process. I kept the shoes and finally got rid of them a couple months ago when I went thru my closet. They still smelled like China....8 years later. NO JOKE.

Chelise said...

Jolie, I am LMAO! I never knew how to describe that putrid smell until that Easter we spent at my house. Remember?? I donned that sweater, ran around smashing eggs of confetti on your head, and asked you what that smell was i was wearing??? "Why, that's the smell of Cheena!" you replied. I cried I was laughing so hard and peed my pants a lil!

Good call....

Jolie said...

hmmmm, Paula!!! very interesting!!!! makes perfect sense! ew, but creeps me out!!!!
i am going to scrub, fabreeze, and dance that smell off! and if that doesn't work, they are on their was to AZ where nobody can smell anyway :)

Chelise said...

What the Hell?? I wear a 9, remember?? You have fragileeee feet! Don't be sending me your Cheena stank!

Sarah Jackman said...

I want to get me some! Sooo cute!