Monday, May 3, 2010

{'s your Monday going?}

Filling a larger Downy jug with a smaller jug, and leaving it on top of the washer to consummate, normally isn't a concern for me.
But this time the washer had a big comforter in it.....
a big comforter that shakes the shit out of the entire West side.

I took the children to school.....leaving the bottles to watch over themselves.
Bad idea. 
The West side shake down hath no mercy.
I came home to blue April scented softness puking all over my floor..... and clothes and vent and wall and under washer and...........
((deep breath))

I have been ignoring the cries of my laundry room asking to be maintained with a good cleaning.......

She screamed loud and clear today!!!!! 

I see a theme going on here.....

I'm scared to ask, "what's next?"


Anonymous said...

Oh my,sounds like a downer Downey kind of day,but at least it smelled good.How do you clean up that kind of the floor softer now...hee hee
Sorry,I just couldn't help myself.

Auntie E

Jolie said...

How does a person clean this up you ask?
With every dirty towel or blanket I could find. Of course, not a white one because that blue shit stains! It stained my walls and is still in between the baseboards. I've washed the floor three times, and it seems like there is a film that will forever stay.
Yes, my floor is very soft and static free now :)

Chelise said...

Shit that sucks!!! I bet your laundry room is sparkling now, but Shit! That Sucks!!!