Wednesday, May 5, 2010

{Sweet turned sour in .1 mile}

I walked by the rack with these lil' puppies on sale for 2/$1.00.
I thought, wow....haven't had those in.....I don't forever!
Hmmmmm....I've been good and responsible. 
Can't remember the last time I had a soda, or a donut, or a full size candy bar, or even real sugar in my coffee.
Yah, go ahead girl!!!!!  Give yourself a treat! 
YAY for me!
I am salivating before I can even get my groceries unloaded.
I grab the little package of youth memorabilia, and take them into the driver's seat with me.
Use my teeth to make the perfect dispense-o-matic pour hole.
"Damn these are good!"
"MMMMMMM....why do I deprive myself of these loves????"
Now, I'm putting 3 and 4  bits in my mouth at a time, thinking:
Licorice is generally fat free....AND, these are just little itty bitty things.....They are "Cherry", so I'm pretty sure I'm getting some good vitamins.  I'm still being semi-responsible........
With my last two in the package, and a mouth full of red joy, I read the "nutritional facts".

I just ate 220 calories from the parking lot to the main road.

What The........????!?!?!?!?!?

Do you know what I could have had for 220 empty calories???
~3 beers
~sugar cereal
~a special coffee from Starbucks
~probably even a Big Ass Burrito!
All of which would have been totally worth the side effects.....
I'm not a freakily obsessed calorie counter, but I do know what 220 calories of crap does to my gut!!!!!
It's NOT a pretty sight, let-me-tell-you!

I should have known there is nothing good about a candy that has IBS in its name!

Now I'm gonna have to cap my consumption for the rest of the day.
So much for my Mexi-food yum fest and the XXL margarita I was planning on consuming in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
Maybe I'll compromise and just do the shot of tequila!

os maldicen puntas de caramelo!!
translation:  curse YOU candy nibs!!
((fist pumping to the sugar Gods))


Chelise said...

Yah, that's why we are not regular candy eaters....we'd rather have mexican food and beer!! LOL!!

Loca Roja said...

220 caloritos por NADA!! AY DIOS MIO,
Mamacita!! No esta bien :(
Mas Cervesa, por favor!!! :)

lisa_sims said...

You could have had a heck of a meal for 220 cal!!!! I am with ya on the candy...unless it is a piece of chocolate. I have a hard time passing it up. And beer and mexican food sound really damn good right now....maybe after my marathon....mmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Oh yah, well I got an ediable chocolate fruit basket for Mother's Day, and so as not to break my son and daughter-in-laws hearts I have to eat the WHOLE thing..every chocolate stawberry,grape and pinapple goodie will be enjoyed and added to my expanding behind!!

Auntie E