Sunday, May 9, 2010

{D.A.R.E is the new
"Just say NO"}

River Graduated from the D.A.R.E. program on Friday.

I arrived at the school graduation a little early and found the kids "feelin' cool" against the Trans Am cop car.
I remember that feeling when I was 11.
"dude!  look how cool we are against this rockin' car!
hey!! someone's mom has a camera! 
hurry, make a cool pose. 
we are like the coolest kids in the whole world man! 
we are so cool that we even got these totally awesome shirts from the cops man!
we rule the school!"
((high five))

Being a D.A.R.E graduate is nothing to take lightly.
To qualify, each child had to finish a workbook, listen to lectures, write an essay, and sign their name to a  promise to never use drugs or violence in their lives.

Riv was really proud to get his diploma.
I believe him when he made his pledge to stay drug free.
He has will power and a soul that is strong with conviction.
Makes me a little bit less scared to send him into the scary, shark infested waters of Jr. High.

Oh God!!!!
I've got a kid going into Jr. High!!!!!

I can't even think about it right now.
Take your mind off of it JOLIE!!!!
Go to your happy place.....

(((((puppies, unicorns, glitter, rainbows, chocolate)))))

happy place
happy place

Sometimes a mom has gotta find her happy in a place called,
"Unicorns that live with chocolate puppies under glittered rainbows in a land called denial"

And if that doesn't work.....drink a glass of wine!
Obviously, I flunked the D.A.R.E. program!
Hey! I'm not proud of it.


Aunt T. said...

Way To Go, Riv!!!
D A R E to start a new Family precedent: A clean and sober life right out of the gate! AWESOME!!

Chelise said...

Oh Honey...Denial runs in our family....and alcoholism, depression, gas, bad skin, big toes, sinus infections, hair loss, boils, etc., etc.!

Woo Woo! That little reminder just MADE.. MY.. DAY! Looking forward to tomorrow!

I'll be busy the rest of today with my friend, Bud Light....

Chelise said...

I need to retake my D.A.R.E. class!

Congrats Riv!