Thursday, May 20, 2010

{harmfully spoiled???}

My boys get frappachinos from Starbucks.

Did you hear me correctly????
I said,

No, they aren't spoiled, or over indulged, or -or -or -or -or -or

It's times like these that take me back to my youth.  I think about how lucky I felt, to every once in a while, be allowed to get fries with my 39 cent Dee's hamburger and free cup of water.  That was when we rarely had the money to go out to eat.

Or, that I was well into my 30's when I decided to spend money on my first Starbucks.

Do you ever wonder if we are setting our kids up for entitlement and expectations that life will always come with whipped cream on top?

Or do you believe, that with good teachings and hard work, they too can/should/deserve to enjoy life's little pleasures.

I want them to be productive, contributing adults.
I just hope I am giving them the correct tools, in combination with fun, to achieve that.
(I do understand that fun is a necessity too)

Sometimes it feels out of balance.
Sometimes it feels like perfection.

I battle with this worry all the time.

do you?


Chelise said...

Ya know, I know my kids are entitled, spoiled, and rotten, sometimes. Just like you I wonder, everyday, if what I am doing is right and raising them in a way that will encourage self confidence, contribution to society, well rounded and stable adults.....

Shit if I know....That's why there has and will always be Bud Light to ease OUR suffering! Luckily, THEY can't drink till they are 21! HaHa! But seriously, all we can do is give it our best shot and try our damndest not to screw em up!

Making them earn, the hard way, everything, seems to work too! Also, saying something once and opening up a big can o whoop ass, if they should choose not to listen....(I'm still working on this one:)

Everyone needs to read "Have a new kid by Friday"....It Rocks!

Anonymous said...

I need new kids NOW!! Spoil them,beat them,do whatever...they will come out how they are supposed too.


paula said...

Girl-as I was the cleaning the house yesterday of 4 spoiled kids who..

A) know the value of nothing
B) appreciate nothing
C) get excited about nothing (because they get EVERYTHING) and D) have a sense of entitlement...

.....I was thinking about this particular post. Your boys have none of the characteristics I just mentioned....they are well balanced and I'm pretty sure the frappachino you get them will not ruin them. You want to see spoiled kids, come with me to my cleaning gig next will make you sick.