Thursday, May 6, 2010

{no college for YOU!}

I picked up Jax's 3 month supply of meds yesterday.
My portion to pay was $35.00.
Let's just add up the numbers that Walgreen's says
"my insurance saved me"

+  $1539.59

Add in the monthly doctor appointments that insurance only charges me a $15 co-pay, and I'm thinking that this is really a savings of $24,000/year.
And that is just for Jax.

When we had our own business, insurance companies would only approve us for "catastrophe" coverage because of Jax's pre-existing conditions.
Catastrophe insurance, with no everyday coverage, cost me $530.00/month
People.......I used to pay this premium and prescriptions
for over two years.

I seriously used savings that could have/would have went to college funds.

I am slowly re-building the nest egg and just hope both the boys strive to earn scholarships!

Re-visiting the numbers that would have eventually taken us into poverty, makes me appreciate the company that employs Randy, and pays the majority of our health insurance.

Thank you WMCo.
You have been good to us.

We are fortunate in this time, to still have an income and health coverage for our family.
My sincere sorrows go out to those who are struggling with the loss of both.

I have hope for our health care reform.
Something has gotta give.


paula said...

Of all the posts that would bring tears to my eyes....this one???!! Go figure...what the hell. I remember those days for you when you struggled with the BS of insurance or rather "lack of". We both know I can go on and on about the insurance/health industry in our country having worked in it for so long. It's a joke. It's in dire need of re-vamping...has been for much longer than people care to admit. As far as the health care reform goes, I find myself saying, "Hell-can it get any worse?" .....I'm very curious to see what this change will bring to the industry that has become nothing but another huge money making business run by drug manufacture's and their lobbyists and overpaid CEO's of insurance company's and hospitals....oh yeah-and let's not forget the scum bag attorneys who've brought so many ridiculous law-suits to trial over the last 20 years. All this people is why your healthcare is where it stands today.

Let the hate comments for me pour in....I can take it and I stand my ground on this.

Tracy said...

Write On, My Sistahs!!!