Tuesday, November 17, 2009

{I'm gonna break my arm patting myself on the back!}

On my way down the stairs, I asked Jax what he wanted for breakfast before school.
He said, "momma, will you make me bacon and eggs?".
So I'm like, "sure."

After placing it on his mat, I thought to myself,
 "did I just make him that? on a Tues morning? complete with chocolate milk?"

It was one of those lame ass moments, of something so small on the spectrum,
that made me acknowlege myself as 'one hell of a good mom!'

Mothers:  It's ok to be proud of the parent we are.
No need to be humble all the time.


lisa_sims said...

I am very impressed with your breakfast. Next time, call me to come eat too! Your kids are sooooo lucky to have such a fabulous woman as their mother! They are who they are because of you! Keep up the good work! You have every reason to be proud!!!!

paula said...

You're right about acknowledging what us Mom's do. It's OK. You are a great Momma...a role model for myself. Your boys are proud to have you as a Mom...I can tell by the way they look at you.