Wednesday, November 25, 2009

{Where's the beef????}

Yesterday was the Thanksgiving feast at Jax's school.

The kids look forward to the lunch every year.
We have a generous turnout of parental help and food donations.
I am appreciative of that.

This is my 6th year bringing mashed potatoes.
I am designated by the first letter of our last name.
I am ready to change my last name to Smith, so that I only have to bring a stick of butter!!

It cracks me up that Jax continues to enjoy wearing his "turkey hat" throughout the entire event.
It's moments like this, that reminds me, he's still my little boy.


paula said...

That doesn't seem fair that you have to bring the mashed spuds each year. Are you talkin for the whole school and their guests? DAMN GIRL! Now I understand why you had that enormous box of spuds in your garage.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We would like to thank you for your dedicated service these last 6YEARS, for providing us with warm, yummy, mashed potatoes. We received notice on Nov. 24th of your current name change to Jolie Smith. We apologize for not putting this in the system on Nov. 18th, when we received it. Please be advised, next year, you will be assigned to bringing....BUTTER. Thank you for your patience with our system and we will be sure to continue to provide your children with the best education money can buy!

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving,


paula said...

Is that comment for real? I can smell Tracy for some reason when I read that.