Monday, November 16, 2009

{Share the love
over, and over, and over}

I received this email from Aunt E today.
Her Mickey D story is inspiring.
When was the last time YOU paid it forward??

Lex and I had the nicest thing happen. We went thru McDonalds drive thru for our usual chocomilk,hash brown,big mac and tea. When I got up to the window to pay, the girl said in need to pay, the lady in the car before you paid for your meal!! How nice was that. I waved a thank you as she drove off. Luckily we hadn't over ordered so my bill was under ten dollars, but it is the thought that counts. That small act of kindness made my day. There are nice people left in this world. So to pay it forward I made dinner for the family cause I was full from McDonalds, but they loved the ham sandwiches and I felt very good about myself!!

Please share stories of how you have paid it forward, or have had someone give to you.
You can stay anonymous.

1 comment:

Chelise said...

I love this story! How cool is that! Rock On~!