Monday, November 16, 2009

{Vacacheeeaawwwn Part #DOS}

I am finally covering the neglected middle child of the vacation.
LOTS of pics.
Hopefully not LOTS of yawns.

San Diego
Riding on the rickshaw from parking lot to the ship.
The faster the poor skinny kid would peddle, the louder his one speaker would play out of date music.
We totally could have carried our own luggage the short distance, but Randy always has a soft heart to put people work so that he can pay them :)

My step-brother Justin (Danna's son) came on the cruise with us.

River dominated the chess game.
Notice all of the grown men standing around watching him play against their friend.
He played 23 games total......won 19!
We would pass dudes in the hall and they would say, "Hey River, what's up?" and then turn to their friends and tell them that he was the kid that kicked his butt in chess!
Riv believes he is their peer.
Old soul..young man.
Speaking of.......{click here for NY, NY video}
Riv sang at karaoke one night.
He was nervous and couldn't move.
It was cute....momma was proud.

On ship activities:
Scamming parent out of big $$ for a build-a-bear knock off!
Teaching our children the art of gambling.
Ping pong and golf with new friends :)
Jax also attended the Kids Kamp daily.
He danced, made crafts, and played games.

Catalina was awesome!!!
~The weather
(perfectly high 70's)
~The golf carts
(fun to race with Jay D. and pretend we were the Flintstones)
~The scenery
(greenery, awesome architecture, history)
~The jewelery
(Paula and I found unique bracelets that would have looked rockin' on our wrists)
~The company
(Paula, Jay D. and Elliott....lots of laughs)

My favorite pic.
Brings me so much joy.

We scoped a business man in the hall.....
to help us hillbillies tie Randy's tie!!!
They boys LOVE to be dressed up.
They wanted to wear these get-ups the rest of the trip.
Luckily, they both slopped molten chocolate cake on their shirts, and I demanded they be put in the dirty clothes bag!

Paula and all 'da boyz' in her hot-to-trot dress!!!

If you ask the boys what their favorite part of the cruise was, they will answer with,
"DINNER!" (I'm not sure if that is pathetic or cute)
They felt so grown up ordering appetizers, main courses, and desserts.
They were adventurous and tried many things......
duck, lobster, and calamari.
We were placed with family that had their personality sucked out of them once they left their little house in Wyoming.
They were BOOORRRING, and let their 2 year old wipe her food all over Randy.  WTF!!??!?!?
I felt like I was in a twighlight zone when I was around them.
WHY????  WHY did WE get placed with THEM???

Due to my frugal ways, these are the only pics I have of us dressed up.  I am too cheap to pay $22 for a low quality picture of Randy with his eyes closed.

Paula and I were able to take 1 1/2 hours of PURE girl talk.
We just love to gab and laugh!

The "I'm too sexy for this robe" dude, joined us in the conversation.....only after he had a photo shoot.

Karaoke night.
We didn't sing....there was PLENTY of entertainment to watch.
Just imagine....
One really small man named Tyne, Tyne...
One really LARGE man named......Bubba Gump
~a two man jive team~
Trust me!  They had NO professional training!

Jax was so excited to see what kind of creepy towel animal the stewards would leave along side the waxy chocolate mints.
They really should spend a buck and at least leave a good tasting choc mint!!!

Paula, Justin and I, donated and walked for the Susan B. Komen foundation.
Paula and I walked in honor of our mother-in-laws.
Justin walked because.....well, he's just a good guy!

We walked around Ensenada for about 1 1/2 hrs.
Randy was extremely uncomfortable having the kids there with so many people begging and pawing at us.
I enjoyed the shopping, although all the stores smell the same and sell the same items.
It was good to get back on the ship....
Ensenada may be known for the worlds largest "Blow Hole" (natural fountain), but
I think it could be known as the worlds largest "Shit Hole".
It was still fun to experience the culture.

The greatest purchase was Riv's wood and marble chess set.
We bartered the gal down to $40.  She wrapped it so carefully and put a handle on it for easy carry.
We also got some small  coin purses for the boys' teachers and a pair of "mexi-hippie" leather flip flops for myself.  LOVE them!!!

This is what I will remember most from Ensenada.....
The Viagra Man.
These pharmacies were on EVERY corner.
Apparently, so I've heard, it's big business!

For the last night of our cruise, Randy and I grabbed a bucket of bud light and relaxed on loungers, enjoyed the weather, and loved on each other.
All the while, recognizing our fortunate life
full of family, friends, and VACATIONS!!!!
Damn!!!  Life is sweet!


paula said...

So many points to address:

A) River singing NY,NY was wonderful! If only I could have been there to sing with him. My favorite!

B) Hilarious about Ensenada being the biggest Shit Hole in the world...the blow hole was lame but I love shopping in places like that. Elliott loved it-he was strapped in his stroller the ENTIRE day! It is a little freaky w/kids isnt' it? You should have Chelise do a guest spot on your blog and tell her story about Ensenada (I think this comment is long enough to be considered a guest spot).

C) Our on board entertainment of Tyne Tyne and Bubba Gump...don't forget Tina Turner man. THE BEST!

D) Justin in his damn robe..I forgot all about that. Made me laugh.

E) Elliott loves the chocolates. I threw all of them in my purse and I still am carrying them around and using them as "rewards" to keep Elliott quiet in stores. I didn't know they tasted like crap....he loves them.


Chelise said...

I am so glad y'all got to experience all this togetha! Freakin Fun! Ensenada is the biggest SHIT HOLE I have ever been to, but that Viagra sign cracked me up!. Only in Mexico can you have a business sign with a woody on it, and get away with it!

I am so proud of Riv's Kareoke! What a man to be able to get up there and do that! I can't wait to have him teach me to play chess on his new set.

Love to all ;)

lisa_sims said...

It looks like you guys had sooo much fun. The last pictures of Randy with his eyes WIDE open is great! You can really see his eyeballs! I just can't get over that...every pic with the eyes closed.

Anyway, loved Rivers singing! Between his singing and Jax's dancing, you got some talent.

You guys are very blessed to have a great family. Thanks for sharing all the fun pics!