Friday, October 22, 2010

{Dr. What and the Who Rider}

The children's Halloween party at the Christian Reform Church was held last night.

Jax was the "Ghost Rider" but kept telling everyone he was "Night Rider".
I said he would have to be drunk and look like the "Hoff" to be the Night Rider!
He didn't get it.

Riv was NOT going to even go to this thing...
let-a-lone go in costume!
He is 12 ya know!!!!
Too old to want to do childish things like Halloween!
I bought him a Dr. costume in the small chance that he would change his mind.
As soon as we pull into the parking lot and he sees a gazillion kids running around in costume, he started yanking open the bag and getting suited up :)
Paging Dr. Love....Paging Dr. Love
Riv was making sure that Randy had a heart....
I was willing to perform mouth to mouth on Randy if need be :)

Skeleton faces were running amuck high on sugar!
screaming! jumping!
climbing! rolling!
Whew....glad Randy and I cut out to get a cup of coffee.

Dr. D. Capitate loved the table of gross Halloween food...
brains, bloody heart, cut off fingers, slimy eyeballs, etc.
The planning committee did a great job!

Jax spent a lot of his time bobbing for donuts and making the girls laugh.

This party was a great way to get us all in the Halloween spirit!
Randy can't wait to run the boys around our neighborhood....
Riv thinks that he could possibly trick-or-treat one last year....
just so he doesn't hurt his dad's feelings and to support his brother of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved Randy's costume. Jax is always so original, River always the practical one.
