Monday, October 18, 2010

{Just Cuz}

Is there anything like cousin time?
Sharing captured moments of
sticking your head in a hole that makes you feel all the power of
Woody, Jesse and Buzz????

Experiencing the sunshine and a picnic lunchable in the middle of the day?
With your cousins

Watching silly faces, delightful in toothless smiles and running hand in hand wild......
With your cousins

And at the end of a Fall days worth of sword fights, light saber swingings, WHHHAAAHHHHH kung fu matches....
nothing tastes better than a good cup of marshmallow and whipped cream hot cocoa.........
With your cousins

Life is good


Anonymous said...

Isn't fall the most wonderful time of the year. How lucky are we to have cousins,aunts,uncles that make our lives special.


paula said...

So true...there's nothing like hanging out with cousins and family (that you like). I get as excited about it as an adult as I did as a child. The only difference now is that I don't hide their shoes in the hopes that they won't leave.