Tuesday, October 26, 2010

{Taking on a new snail shell}

With River's move to the basement, Jax took over Riv's old room.
The room is bigger, the closet is bigger, and the bed is bigger compared to his original bedroom...
and most importantly....
it has a TV!!!!

((Whoa!!!  Didn't realize how smeared the mirror was..
Sorry about that. 
I'm blaming that oversight on the camera flash.
 Come on....go with me on this one!
Elise...you don't see anything...this never happened...
put down the windex))

Jax's decided decor was cars.
He had found Randy's old, red framed posters, and insisted that these hang in his room.
Like Riv, he had to have a neon lighted clock.
I found the red, yellow, green stick-on stoplights at Target for nine bucks.

Jax is very different than River.
He has minimal collectibles, and likes to keep his room maintenance free without clutter.
I think it's because it is comforting for him to have a room without chaos and over stimulation.
I've always admired him for that.

Still working on the TV/game set up...
A little "cordy" right now.

Because he has school and chores, he has to ask before turning on his games or TV.
But even if it stayed unplugged forever, he would still be happy just to say that he was old enough to have one in his room!
He's waited patiently for many years.

Even though the bed is a captains with drawers underneath, we moved his dresser into the closet. 
Jax has become very attached to it.  He's had it with him since he was a baby and the sentimental value that it was G & G DeVries' makes it something he just won't part with.

I see you are asking,
"So Jolie, what ever in the world are you doing with Jax's old bedroom?"

Wait til you see what we've done with that space!!!!

Little house on the scary to be continued......


paula said...

Love that he still has his teddy bears up in the closet....we see them. It's nothing to be ashamed of Jax. Congratulations on the T.V. You're officially a tween....almost.

Anonymous said...

Anti-septic will have to come by and spray alittle windex magic for my Jax man!! Love the new room, you boys are so lucky to have a decorating momma.

Aunti E

Aunt T said...

Bear-y KOOL!!! ;)

Chelise said...

Jaxy gets his sentimental attatchment to things from his Momma! I Love it! I love his new space! It's exactly what I crave, but never something I am able to obtain in my house....Guess I'll move in with him??

Anonymous said...

I so love your digs I have to cry. You have such a great MOM and DAD.
You and Riv need to each keep a journal to document:
I wish my grandmas and great grandmas, aunts and uncles would have peeked in and recognized how MY ROOM reflected who I really was--how precious were all my whims, values, dreams, emotions.

My Aunt Alice Kathleen Claar Hoskins did come into my room, sat on my bed, looked at my bookshelf, listened to me read my favorite passages. She checked out my homemade eclectic bulletin board (I was only one who had a bulletin board in those days.)
People in those days were uncomfortable around kids with eccentricities.
Aunt Alice occasionally took time to remind my Mom I was not the sweet little Elsie Dinsmore proper, self-demeaning, modest, "yes ma'am, "kids should be seen and not heard" type that was the model for that Shirley Temple era.

It surely took me too long to gaze into my multitude of mirrors and recognize the real eccentric, pragmatic me.
GGrandma B

paula said...

Seriously, I love reading your grandma's comments.