Thursday, February 3, 2011

{guest appearance}
((((loud applause))))

Hey everyone....Paula here.


I just wanted to send out a 
huge THANK YOU to those
of you who helped make
"30 days of love" an unforgettable
birthday gift for our girl, Jolie.
Jolie-I know I speak for everyone
involved when I say that it was a
pleasure doing that for you.  You
are SO easy to love and anyone
who can call you a friend is truly
BLESSED.  Thanks for being you!
Again-Thanks everyone!  I couldn't
have done it without all of you.
Paula (aka: "my paula girl" or sfam)


Jolie said...

awe....sniff, sniff
I'm all vaclempt ;)


Tracy said...

Mama P:
Thank you for coming up with the whole idea--it really made celebrating our Jolie that much more special. She deserves such an AWESOME FRIEND as you! We should all be so lucky!! Can I hire you to plan my 50th? ER..I meant 45th??Anyway---
It's so appropriate that YOUR Birthday falls on Super Bowl Sunday--cuz you're the Champion of P-A-R-T-A-Y!! CHEERS to you, our Paula Gurl!!!
Love U :)

Chelise said...

Paula- Not only are you super creative, crafty, and hot......but you can SHAKE what yo mamma gave YA! I love you, my lil dancin queen...I love your heart!

I REALLY miss you......

Anonymous said...

Paula you little imp!! I had no idea your birthday was Super Sunday...we could have done a doublet party with you and Jolie. Thank you again for the true friendship that you show all of us.We jumped you in the fam, so deal with it.
Love you long time

Anonymous said...



Did I hear correctly that you got some exciting fashion shades--Dior?

Women need to be loved and pampered. Loving trusted friend support systems are the best of gifts.
Men who follow that golden rule of treating women and girls like queens and princesses know that they in turn live longer, happier lives.

Grandma Laura Pearl