Sunday, February 20, 2011

{Loony Bin}

I've been asked how I am able to do all this kind of partying as a wife, mother, teacher....40 year old woman.

I suppose that by looking at my posts in the last month+, it would look as if that was all that my life consisted of.
I haven't posted much about my family which would lead anyone to believe that life is all about ME right now, and I have shipped the rest of my household off to Neverland Ranch.
This assumption would be as far from the truth as the lie that Charlie Sheen isn't a coke-head wife beater.

I post what I have control over, and cocoon the rest.

The reality of my year, is that I have had tragic, life changing news brought to my attention.
I have done my best to be the "good girl", the "good mom", the "stand-up law abiding citizen" doing what is right.......
 all the while being drug through mud that obviously has shards of glass and cleavers hidden within the muck.
I have come out scarred and cut to the bone.....
 despite the healthy part of me saying I am indestructible. 
The year has depleted me from everything that I once was.
It crept up on me like an invisible freight train carrying a load of shit.
By the time I saw the large locomotive light coming for me,
 it was too late.
 I was not quick witted enough to jump out of the way.
It hit me with full force and dumped it's whole load on my head. stinks and there is nothing pretty about it.

After spending more than a week in tears (all day), no motivation, and short fused, I contacted my doctor in hopes that she would drug me into a better reality.
I have felt this sadness and uncontrolled despair one other time in my life.
It was 1995.....the year my baby brother committed suicide.
I hated having this familiar feeling rear it's head again.
It feels like a scary-psycho clown getting a kick out of fucking with my sanity.

My doctor started me on Celexa.
It started off well until the side-effects found their way.
Headaches, nausea, panic attacks, insomnia, and loss of memory.
But least I wasn't crying 23 out of the 24 hours in a day!

I am slowly weaning myself off of Celexa until I can get to the doc for a try at a different crazy pill.
Yay!!!  This experiment is gonna be fun!

I have many friends and family who have given support and love....
(and others who can't handle any of it, and choose not to even talk to me about it)
but as we all know, sometimes even that just isn't enough.

I visited a counselor for the first time last week.
Boy!!!  Let me tell you how hard it was for me to make and keep that appointment!!!!
I take pride in being "with it"....
having my shit together....
living with enough intelligence that I can figure out my own psycho-neurotics!!!
And hell.....I am everyone else's therapist!  
Why would I even need one if I'm that good?!

I need help because I'm spiraling out of mental clarity and I cannot make rational decisions.
Again.....I am depleted.

My appointment with the counselor was only 50 minutes long, but I left with many "AH HA" moments and words of great poignancy from a gal that is probably 10 years my junior.
(I really had to get over the fact that she was younger than me...
it was easy to do once she proved to be smarter than me)

As we were ending the emotional session, she said that my story reminds her of notations made by biologists.
When they study the inner rings on trees, sometimes they come across a very thin growth ring sandwiched between healthy-girthed growth rings.
The thin ring reveals the state of what that particular year entailed for the tree.
Lack of water, harsh winter, shallow sunlight, and maybe even disease contributes to a dormant growth.

My intuitive- young- mental angel therapist,
 grabbed my hands and with tears in her eyes,
told me that 
my growth ring will be thin this year.

I processed the analogy and left feeling at peace.

I do know that my ring will be bold and large again some day :)


Aunt T said...

My Dearest Jolie:
At this hour, you are nearly 3 weeks into your "F-n Forties". WARNING: it arrives like a Lion, and departs like a lamb--leaving us in a heap of despair and discovery. The challenge is to live with your losses and build
on your weaknesses. I am part of your family tree: rooted in strength and dis-ease. I am shocked at the depth of your pain and yet, I feel U. I admire your courage to share your grief. It's strange how we, as humans, can be surrounded by "loved ones" and yet feel so alone in our pain. I am here to help you Stand Tall and grow in the Light.
I Love You. I Respect You. I Hear You.

Sarah Jackman said...

I'm really sorry you've been dealing with all of this pain. I had no idea that anything had happened this year. Aaron and I adore you guys and we would love to be there in any way that you need. Our prayers are with you. I believe strongly in guardian angels and I'm positive that Janin is there with you in your darkest hour. I was once told that we are never alone that those on the other side are often sent to comfort us. I hope that in your despair you can feel her near you.


Unknown said...

You are in my thoughts. I ride this roller coaster and know it sucks. Luckily we are cut from some pretty strong cloth and know how to get back up once being knocked down (over and over). You are an amazing woman and I do love you.

paula said...

I'm so proud of your bravery for sharing this with us on your blog. I am here for you and I love you.

Chelise said...

I wish I could just stand in front of that locomotive and take that load of shit, dumped on your head, for you. I would, always.

Anonymous said...

You have always taken and absorbed everyone else's pain. You are a fixer, healer caretaker,that's what makes you the wonderful person you are. I'm so glad you are talking to someone about the pain you carry around. Besides,didn't she say you would be "thin" this year...
Woman Up and step over the small people that give you grief.

Auntie E

segura2salazar said...

Sometimes we are just too strong for our own good. I know it's hard to rely on others and ask for help or even admit that we need it. I love you! I am here for you! I am proud of you!

Megan said...

I want to say this~

I am so proud of you for blogging about this.

There is no shame in having shit.
There is no shame in needing help working through said shit.
There is no shame in needing medication to help get through the daily shit.

I can say in all honesty that without my therapists (yes plural) and little blue pill I am not sure I would have survived the last 4-5 years. No shame, no guilt.

I think you may be surprised because it sounds to me like your growth ring with be bigger than you expect.

I hope you find peace. I am thinking about you. I admire you.

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you went to this particular counselor.
The "tree ring" analogy touched me deeply. It is right on.
What kind of tree instantly sprang to my mind?
The giant Redwood Sequoia, of course.
I always knew it. We're not YaYa Women.
We're SEQUOIA WOMEN. We stand tall, endure, flourish, nurture and protect -- not to mention our indescribable strength and beauty we as we generously plant our roots and display our long, spreading limbs, fluttering out the aromas of our juicy, deep breathing foliage to love and comfort Earth's atmosphere...

Our few thinner growth rings are
stacked below and above the thicker growth rings, ever thankful for gentle, understanding, faithful support.

I'm inspired with an idea to symbolize this tree ring analogy. Let my brain cook on it for a short while.