Thursday, October 29, 2009

{{{{{Happy Halloween}}}}}
Hollywood style

Jax is destined to carry on Michael Jackson's style and moves!
You should see his moon walk!


My dad has called Jax "Jacko" for years......The name came in handy this Halloween.
Jax's acting class had a monster mash party.
He was the only M.J........he liked it that way :)

Riv made Edward Scissorhands look kick ass!
We got child-proof scissors from the dollar store and took out the cutting blades.  Wouldn't want him to get written up as a threat to other children at school ya know.

The entire 6th grade did the "Thriller" dance.
It was AWESOME!!!!!
Riv's wig was down around his lips by the time he was done!
Boogy Woogy! you have all seen these kind of people.
The ones that think their child is the ONLY one that needs to have footage/documentation of the event.
This ass-hat stood the entire dance taking pics of his darling offspring.
These are the pics that I got of River dancing.....
Mr. Blue Shirt was in my view the ENTIRE song!
So Un-cool!

1 comment:

paula said...

BASTARD photo man! Love the kids' halloween costumes. I really wish I could have seen the "Thriller" dance and Jax's moves. Maybe they can teach us on the ship.