Monday, October 26, 2009

{They are just borned that way}

Ever notice the first noises that a boy makes in his life are:
 farts, growling trucks, and shooting guns.
Their hands know how to make the
"two finger thumb gun"
and the "pow, pow...pow, pow" sound
before they ever actually hear or see a gun.
It's instinctual.


My boys are at an age, where they can have an understanding of artillery.
Comprehend the rules, have respect, and fear the power.

Randy took them to Cedar Fort for a few hours of target practice.
He said that they were both very attentive, and careful.
Rand was proud.

Riv is very curious and thrilled by all guns.
I'm good with that.  
I was raised around guns, and I also find them fascinating.

But now, he wants to be able to deer hunt.  
His right of passage into manhood I guess.
Neither Randy or I enjoy killing animals.
Just knowing Riv, I'm not so sure he will either.
We will start small.....maybe rabbits.
He can get a feel for the chase, 
then a feel for being grown enough to shoot it, 
skin it, and eat it.
I'm not really sure how to feel about this stuff.
I just keep telling myself,
"they are boys, you can't shelter them forever.  they have a right to experience all things"

How do you feel about allowing your children to find passion in things that you don't necessarily agree with or enjoy?


paula said...

I think your approach with the hunting thing is smart. Start out small. It will do one of two things;

1)make him respect and enjoy the whole concept of a hunt and what it's like to actually have a relationship with his food


2)it will teach him that he's not the huntin type. Some people just don't have it in them to kill animals, even if they do eat them.

It will be interesting to see where this goes.

Chelise said...

I believe that it will almost be given that our children will find thier passion in something that we don't enjoy. I'm a horse and animal kind o gal. My parents, aren't. Shelby is going to be into dance or soccer. Both, I don't particularly love, but hey, it makes us step out of our box, right? Or it can be looked at as one of the ways our kids torture us! I prefer the latter, cause I'm a glass is half full type of person. ;)

paula said...

forgot to add to my comment up there: BEWARE you might get hate comments by offending the hunters when you say "Randy and I don't like to kill animals". Be prepared and don't say I didn't warn you.

Jolie said...

That's right had a similar blog and got a bit of flack! Thanks for the warning.

DISCLAIMER: I am not against hunting...or anyone who would like to hunt. In fact, Randy used to. He has even shot a deer before. It's just that we don't find enjoyment in it, and really never have.....we both went along with it because it "was the thing guys in our family did". We enjoyed the family camp/cook outs more than anything.

Jolie said...

I agree with Chelise......I think there is some sort of evil plan these children are born ultimately torture their idiot parents!!!

Amie said...

Absolutely love it!!!! Nothing says testosterone like boys and their guns!