Tuesday, March 23, 2010

{You may be surprised}

You may be surprised to know that I am a Dr. Laura listener and follower.
I have been known to think of her as my "Mother Laura".

Yes, I am liberal in my acceptance of sexuality, women's choice and political ways of thinking.........
but when it comes to MY husband, MY mothering and MY children, I am old fashioned conservative in a lot of ways.

Mother Laura is the reason I am a stay at home mom.
I left a very lucrative, enjoyable career to raise my babies.......
because of Dr. L's words that struck my heart like lightning,  just months before River's birth.
(I am not judgemental on mothers who work. It's not for everyone.  In fact, I was surprised by myself making the choice!!! Different strokes for different folks I say)

Mother Laura is the reason my marriage is as healthy and long lasting as it is.  She has taught me the "Proper care and feeding of a husband and marriage."

Mother Laura is the reason I choose not to be surrounded by, or abused by hurtful people....
Mother Laura is the voice of backbone, support and education for my well being.

I don't always agree with her logic or beliefs.  A lot of the time, I scream at the radio, flip it off (with my birdie finger of course...not the dial), and turn it to some head banging butt rock, to get something different floating through my mind. There are moments that she can be WAYYY too critical and her callers can be WAYYY too stupid!
But at other times, I pick and choose the words and lessons that I can relate to, and to become a better person by.
Isn't that what life is about? 
Learning to be the best person you can be to yourself and others?

I'm going to start giving you quotes by Dr. Laura that have influenced me at different times in my life.
We will call them,
"Dr. Laura-ing yer ass"

"The people and circumstances around me do not MAKE me what I am, they REVEAL who I am."

We are all given opportunities, whether difficult or easy, to show if we will stand or buckle in conviction.
Opportunities for REVEALING our true selves.
Strong or weak?
Which one are you?

More to come.........
Hopefully it doesn't' make you want to start swearing and flipping off the computer.


paula said...

Should I start this off by saying that "I am my kids Mom"? (You have to be a Dr. Laura listener to get it) Surprisingly, I love her too even though she is a self righteous BEEYOTCH. I share your feelings about Dr. Laura 100%....the good and the bad. I think she has helped a lot of people who didn't have very good examples growing up. The quote I started this comment with really pisses me off.....I hate it when women call in and say that. What, and if you work you're not your kid's Mom? For those of you who don't know anything about Dr. Laura....if you decide to tune into her....BE PREPARED....she is not politically correct and she is NOT sympathetic....but she just might change your life.

Jolie said...

Oh!! I hear ya Paula! Hate the "I'm my kid's mom" statement!!!

Loved your last point.....she just might change your life. She has changed mine for sure ;)

Chelise said...

She changed "parts of my marriage"..?? Well, she changed me anyway....Mainly, she taught me that you don't have to have a career to be successful. Being a good wife and mother is really all there is, or what really matters to me, so I was able to forgive myself for not becoming a Vet. Also, to fully embrace my role as a "housewife & mother".

Tracy said...

She taught me that I am responsible for my own happiness, how not to be a victim or a victimizer! Basically, she emphasizes that we, as women, posses all the power. :)