Friday, April 1, 2011

{Eye of the Tiger}

In the 5 weeks of training 2x/week in my running clinic,
I have went from being weak in lung, heart, joints and stamina....
being able to RUN!!!!!!
I have NEVER ran.
I mean, I've ran across the street....
I've ran to catch to the dog...
but mostly, I've ran in my car to the places I needed to be.
So you can see how my story of yesterday is one of extraordinary measures for ME.
We (me and my running group) started at 6:00 pm at our usual meeting place in Liberty Park.
Stretches, visualizations and a quick stop for a pee got us geared up for our first real "hitting the pavement".
I was nervous.  
Actually scared shitless for most of the day leading up.
The energy of the group, the sunshine, and my Aunt Janin's spirit at my sole soul, propelled me to accomplish something that I would have never dreamed my body was able to achieve.
3.61 miles of running the streets of downtown SLC, with hills, mega bystanders and dodging cars, and then ending at the beautiful fountains of The Gateway Mall.
3.61 heart pumping glorious miles.

I was the eye of the Tiger hitting that top step.
I just wanted to yell 
in Rocky Balboa style!

Next training day will be even more miles starting at the U of U, and then our last week we will run an unofficial half marathon (13.1 miles)

Who woulda thunk this ostrich could do it????
I am proud of my body in a way I have never been.

Life is good.


Anonymous said...

What a great accomplishment, very proud of you. See, you can run but you can't hide from the fact that whatever you set your mind to you can accomplish. Now run and get your ticket to London taken care of!!


Chelise said...

Yo ostrich!! You CAN run!! Now, whenevvas you was going somewhere....YOU WAS RUNNING!! (one of my favs from Forrest Gump!)

Great Job with lots O heart (pumpin)

An Old Cougar said...

OMG, Jol! U ROCK!! I'm SO proud of you and impressed at your attack of something so foreign to you at this point. Way to GO, Puma!