Thursday, April 7, 2011

{Our first born}

We have a butterfly!!!!!
And I think she is just beautiful.
She emerged yesterday and it looks like a couple more will be right behind her.
She likes to drink sugar water out of a soaked tissue.
I think we will spoil her and get her an orange slice today.
We cannot let our babes fly free until it is a constant 55 degrees outside.
And since "Pope on the Porch" predicts snow today (ARGH!), I think that our butterflies will be living at home the rest of their lives*   Poor things :(
*Butterfly life span is 7-10 days

Thought you might be missing the pooh balls so I used the pic that really accentuated the balls, excreted coloring and the dead  'pillar that had stunted growth laying at the bottom.
Sorry Paula...go take an antacid now


Aunt T. said...

Amazing what can rise up from a pile o' shit! Awesome!!

paula said...

Yeah-thanks....loved the butterfly but then I got to that pile of shit on the bottom and VIM a little. How exciting! What a fun little experiment this has been.

Jay D said...

There goes the fishing bait hard to hook wings!!!!

Chelise said...

What a beautiful girl! Tell Flutterby-baby-daddy, that he is doing an amazing job! I didn't know they only live 7-10 dayz....Learn a lil somethin-somethin new, everyday!

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, they look beautiful, that's how they get you to open the lid and they fly out and take over your house, wrapping you in a cacoon and sticking you to a wall, then they eat you for lunch!! Oh, I mean, what a pretty little all the sugar you want.