Thursday, July 30, 2009

{The denial of your own reflection}

Have you ever had one of those "Bitch Slap" you right up side the head moments??
I'm talking about the vision you have in your own mind of what you look like......And generally, as long as you stay away from a mirror, it's a pretty good vision.
THEN you see a still picture. And you wonder....."Is that really what I look like?" "Is that what others see?" "Oh My!!!!"

California gave me the 'what for' after looking at this picture. How could I have never realized that I am a total freckle face? I'm serious people! I did not realize how bad they were! Do we look past what we don't want to see?

I am trying to come to terms with the discovery, and I now see freckles everywhere.....

And because they will forever be a part of me, I'm learning to accept and hopefully some day love them.....I figure the angels just couldn't keep their lips off of me :)


susie said...

I think freckles are Great! You're beautiful just the way you are!

Chelise said...

I hear you Sista! Although my bitch slap was about the SHEER SIZE of myself, from the pic of us in Elko.....Believe me when I tell you I would rather have freckles!

paula said...

I love your freckles....I think they make you look youthful. I actually never even notice them.