Wednesday, July 1, 2009

{JUSTin time!}

Justin finally took some time out of his busy 21 year old life to come visit. We had such a great evening......eating, talking, and laughing.
I did what I usually do.........make him work, and then feed him.
He was just in time to help dig the hole for the waterfall!
Randy is truly grateful for the child labor!

Seriously!!!! We wouldn't be this far in progress if it weren't for him!

Pop and Justin pretended like it was a mini hot tub/swim pool

Randy did work too. He freaking moved the the rock Pop is standing on, to the top of the other......with a crow bar and his bare hands!!!! Oooooo boy! Can you say hemorrhoid?!?......I think he enjoys bossing the orders more though.

Hopefully the waterfall will be close to completion this weekend.
I will send updated pics!
It's gonna be Zen..............Ah, I can't wait!

WWF wrestling......

They got the crap beat out of them.......and they kept coming back for more!

River and Justin had some good talking time. They both are deep thinkers. Apparently the new Transformers movie has a lot of depth to the plot. They talked for a long time about the good, bad and ugly.

(I saw the movie.......totally stupid! It is ONLY bad and ugly! NO good! Although I had swine and I am an old lady....maybe that had a lot to do with my judgement?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I wasn't missin out on all the fun! I am sooo excited for the Zen Fountain, and am soooo proud of your backyard! I'm thinking of taking a drive over tomorrow to personally take in the progress?? Let me know what your schedule looks like and if you are free ( for the next couple months!:) Also, since you are selling the boat, do you think Romeo can come too?? He is big, but we could make him fit.....
