Sunday, July 5, 2009


I think I am going to have to do a weekly post of Zip's thoughts, questions and comments.
(I know, I know.......incognito doesn't always work for me).
The stuff that he comes up with is just hilarious and brilliant.
Here is today's story:
On the way to the canyon, he asked Randy's mom if she had stinky feet. (That question is funny in itself!) She said "Of course not!!! Why would you ask that?" He responded with, "Because I have really stinky feet, and the female mosquitoes JUST LOOOVE ME!!!!! Females think stinky feet is great. Be glad your feet don't stink grandma! It's a real pain to have mosquitoes love me!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I must be a mosquitoe AND an Aunt---
cuz I L O V E S youse, Jax! :)
Auntie Tracy