Tuesday, July 14, 2009

{My Grandma rides a short bus}

Grandma and fellow bus rider, Mary Brown won the award for
2009 UTA Rider of the Year

Grandma made a royal entrance into the room....
Smile gleaming, arms and legs swinging to the rhythm of the song she was singing, and blue polish on hands and feet......UTA blue ya know!
Aunt Tracy had pre-talked to Grandma about being humble....
Grandma thought that was the most absurd request.
Humble Shmumble! She is almost 80 years old!
Grandma does what she wants with vibrant color and always ends in an exclamation!

The UTA chairman presented her with a framed award, and a backpack full of goodies.
Grandma was handed the microphone for her acceptance speech.
She was awesome! She had everyone's attention, and gave them some good chuckles.
Her final words were so sweet..........
"If you ever see me out on the street, or on the bus......
stop and say HI. You will always have a friend in me"
I was teared up at how eloquent she kept it.
It was amazing to watch her, and to know that I was created from her.
You did good Grandma!! We are so proud of you!
P.S. The short bus waits for NO ONE!!!!!! The minute the presentation was over, they grabbed g-ma and as fast as her jazzy would go, loaded her on the bus for home. I would have liked to get pics with Aunt Tracy, dad, Zip, and myself with the queen!

1 comment:

paula said...

We can only hope that when we are 80 years old our lives are as exciting as hers!