Monday, July 20, 2009

(Super CALI-fragi-listic...somethin, somethin, somethin'}

We are leaving tomorrow to meet the Largents and my baaabbbyyyy in Carlsbad, California.
Beach bummin' for five days!!!!!
I've been using the "self-tanner" spray so that I don't blind the innocent.
Public Service Announcement: Self-tanner is not good applied minutes before you enter a kayak......on the water.....your tan will drip down ALL your body parts.
A decision I came to regret.
So, I was saying........We will be back in UTopia on Sunday.
Hang loose while I'm gone.....wait, is that a term for a different state???? ......ah, doesn't matter.
Take care ya'll
Love you long time!
One more thing.......
Prayers for me would be much appreciated.
I could possibly be arriving in Cali, bruised...bloody, chaffed and swollen.
I have a 10 am appointment with Helga tomorrow.
Bikini/Pit wax........
Enough said!


paula said...

I will be praying that Helga doesn't chew you up and spit you out. Good luck girl. Take a pain killer before you go.

Amie G said...

OMG! I just experienced my firt brazilian wax! And I always thought I had a high tolerance to pain! Im a big pussy when it comes to sprucing up the pussy! Is that to vulgar? Is this a G rated blog....oops!

paula said...

OMH! Amie G rocks. Classic comment right there.