Wednesday, July 15, 2009

{Grandma's comments}

Some of the people that read my blog, are confused on how to leave comments attached to the post. That's instead, I get the feedback in emails.

This one is from Grandma. I have the "rice episode" as one of my favorite memories too.
She writes:

I can't seem to get through a complete comment about the "White Wedding" photo. I have that memory engraved in my mind forever. It was so joyous and poignant--full of meaning--for me. I've shed tears every time.

I loved Damon so completely and tenderly in those moments. September 9, 1989. Every moment of that day was a shimmering, emotional, laughing, tender, a happy dream. I remember thinking that if there ever was a perfect day in my life, that would be the day. I would ask for nothing more.

In addition to Damon, each witness to Jolie and Randy's wedding was at their best--especially Claar when she scattered the rice inside J & R's truck. Every grain of that rice testified to Claar's consuming girlhood crush on her idol man, Randy.

Your blog spread on me, as UTAH Fixed Route Rider Star, 2009, was colorful and unique. I am thinking of seeking out a press agent. I might find myself in demand by other bloggers who need a little more pizazz. Mary Brown and I make a good pair of gutsy, independent adventures.

Grandma B

Yep.........that's my grandma


paula said...

OH MY HELL! I love her.

Anonymous said...

wow its great post..