Wednesday, July 29, 2009

{Is it over already??????}

Disclaimer: This post is mainly about the pics...there would be too much to brag about if I started re-capping. Short and are the basics.... can click on any pics to see them larger.
Also, my blog/computer is being a bith......if my posts are strange looking, it's Pricilla's fault!

Carlsbad, CA

About 30 miles from San Diego

This is the lovely resort we were forced to stay at........
20 steps down to the beach.......
Wonderful amenities and service......
Family friendly and welcoming......
We took Aunt Janin and Uncle Randy with us everywhere!
She would have loved the scenery and water.

Shelby and Zip had fun finding snails.
Shelb let them crawl all over her arms!! Ew!!!

The boys could not wait to hit the water!!!

"Can we go yet? What about now? How bout now?"

Randy, Justin, Zip and Cash had a great time burying Pop.

What you probably can't see,

is that he is a girl sand person

including breasts, hair updo, and a beautiful pink flower.

"Special Sand Time" with the youngsters

7 hours of beach bummin'!!!

Boogie boardin' queens....Zip screams like a girl....he's in the club

I am against an amazingly large tree that was a centerpiece. The deck and visiting benches were built around it.

Elise and I were so thirsty from talking for 3 hours, that we walked to the corner market. We decided that the large can o' Bud Light aught to do us. We felt like street people on the bench with the brown bag and all.

We spent all day Friday in San Diego

We caught the train

It's the only way to go!

Clean, roomy and the kids loved it!

The picture to the left is of Chelise wiping poo off of Shelby's hands, foot, shoes, and leg. It was special. Thank God for baby wipes and hand sanitizer!

We took the 3 hour tour on the USS Midway

The view from the top of the ship.
Don't you just love this serviceman and nurse kissing?!?
I say "awwwe" every time I see an image of it.

We couldn't resist kissing and fondling the cardboard cutouts.
I got a feeling from one of them, that he had a little somethin for me....
I had to say, "back off buddy! I'm a married woman!"

The boys HAD to do this flight simulator.
One piloted the plane, the other shot down enemies.
Zip didn't wipe the smile off his face for 10 minutes!
It was definitely one of his highlights!

We put the kids in the ships jail.....
Ran as fast as we could.....
They found us.
We tried.

ComiCon was the HUGE event going on in San Diego.
Basically a nerd convention that focuses on comic book characters.
People take this seriously.....
See below

The boys were proud to take a picture with the "evil cheerleaders"
I think the dorks, I mean dudes that I stood next to were from the new G.I. Joe movie.
Pop wants to save his money to go next year! Shocker!!!!! My lil' tech nerd.

SHE was NOT in in ComiCon.....but could have been.

Hmmm......what character would she be????

Pocahontas meets the plump Fairy Godmother?

San Diego streets at their finest! Anything goes!

That's what I LOVE about it!

Elise was wondering if we thought this ship made her hair and/or butt look big.

The ship on the left is the one we will be boarding in November for our cruise!!

Chelise and the kids have their flippy floppies.

This is what happens on the ride home after walking a good 10 miles!
I think Elise's snooze was from listening to the old timer next to her.....
He was like...blah, blah blah blah......

Randy of course enjoyed the conversation.

Once we were back to our hotel, Chelise and I were sent to get pizzas
Everyone was starving
We had about 17 minutes for the pizzas to cook so....
what the hell???
might as well have a drunkin' photo shoot!
(we shared a microbrew that was 6.5%....kicked our butts)

We met the rest of the fam at the grassy courtyard.

Randy and Justin had a beautiful spot for our dinner all set up.

There was a 2 man (twin bros) band playing fun music. Of course there was the joke...ya know the twin joke...... "I've got the best looking band member that I've ever seen!!! Hu hu hu"

Zip started the dance party with a cute little freak girl.....

Pop and I joined in....Pop dropped me in the middle of our dip. He claims it wasn't on purpose and that I really don't weigh that much....whatever!

Shelb and Cash found some peeps to hang, scream, jump, scream, run, drink, scream, run. Super fun!

Leaving our resort, left us melancholy......

Until I looked over and realized that Cali, my friend, was giving me a glorious goodbye.

I smiled and knew my cup was overflowing.

We are spoiled!

I will miss you Cali.....

I will miss you family :)


1 comment:

Chelise said...

I miss Cali sooo bad!! I loved your tribute to our rockin family fun time! "I'm on a beach" will always be remembered as the theme song to our summer of '09! These pics are great!! Can't wait for my disc...

You were right! The pics say it all.....
Loved our trip!!!!!