Saturday, July 18, 2009

{Whatever floats yer boat}

We took Zip and the flat bottom boat to Little Dell reservoir.
I was invited...but it was known that it was "Father/Son" time.
Zip and Randy paddled and fished for an hour,
while I basked in the sun and read my rockin' ELLE magazine.
The Lake Hitler, (man at the entry shack), informed us that there is
swimming, motors, laughing, or peeing in the lake!!
We obeyed every rule....
well, except the laughing and peeing!

We are such rebels.
Don't's only Utah's drinking water......gosh!

These two lost their way to buy Adam a razor, and wound up meeting us.
(Check out the sparse chops Adams got going on!!)

Zip instructed the hairy wonder on how to row.....
Adam caught on only after turning circles for 3 minutes.
Nah...just kidding. Adam did great
and.....I think I saw him smile a time or two!

Zip left the canyon with dad and Adam .
Randy and I continued on a loooooong drive
and ended up here!
I love Park City.
I love this sign.

Good Day Mate!
I teased Randy that he looked like
Steve, the croc hunter in his all oatmeal colored outfit.
Squatters is known for their adventurous brews.
It would be a travesty if we didn't try their new concoction!

Twas a lovely day!

1 comment:

Amie G said...

Tell the croch hunter to come over here and drink some real beer! None of that piddly 3.2% shit they call beer in TOTAH!