Thursday, July 2, 2009

{I learned it by watching you!!!}

The boys live with the queen of crazy mother-trucker mouth!!! Duh!!! Not news to any of you! It's no wonder Zip comes by swearing naturally!'s no wonder this story happened:
Yesterday, while I was folding laundry, Zip walks up to me red faced, teary eyed, and beads of sweat rolling down his temples. "What's wrong bubba?" I ask. He started crying and said, "I can not tell a lie!!.....I've been outside swearing my ass off! I just couldn't help it mom! This stupid gun (nerf machine gun) will not stay hooked on my bike. Oooooo I'm so frustrated!"
I couldn't contain my laughter!
I asked if anyone heard him.....he said that he didn't think so. I assured him that sometimes situations require a belted out naughty word.......just so long as nobody else hears and can be offended by it! He felt much better, and we zip tied the gun to the bike.
My kid may have a closet potty mouth, but at least he has a conscience about lying!!!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

That's ok, Jaxie---shit happens LOL
Aunt T.