Friday, June 25, 2010


I might as well just go by a cow......

and a pig

And a chicken farm.....

The amount of meat these boys crave leaves me cooking all the time and NO left overs in the fridge!!

I walked in on Jax taking these salami pieces to his mouth in hunks!  NOT slice by slice in the way they were intended.  It was as if they wouldn't get in his belly fast enough.
is pretty much a common phrase around this joint!
I scurry around, trying to find fast, filling and healthy treats......
I finally just throw a rack o' ribs at them and tell them to have at it!!!  Just leave a bone or two for Miss Kitty :)


paula said...

I can just hear Jax saying that he's starving to death....hilarious. I'm already seeing this some days with Elliott and he's only 3! Really, how can you be constantly hungry the whole day? Boys EAT A LOT!

Amie said...

Ah yes! Growing boys will eat you out of house and home!!!! You become well acquainted with your local grocer and you spend most of your days as a short order cook!