Tuesday, June 15, 2010


River and Randy experienced yet another Scout camp out.

The plan was to hike to Silver Lake......
until it was apparent that there was snow, sleet and rain up yonder.
They settled for a camping spot at a lower altitude.

They still left the house prepared.

What they discovered was:
~Those freeze dried meals in a bag....tastes like poo.
~No matter how "waterproof" your tent is, it will be full of water from 14 hours of downpour.
~Park your Dodge nearby....just in case you pansy out and sneak shelter.
(which all of the adult males did)

Tonight was the Court of Honor where Riv was presented his earned merit badges.

Top: the centennial "path finder" badge
Bottom:  "horsemanship" badge
(Couldn't have done this one without Aunt Chelise)

Riv was so excited and truly proud to receive these.

The next Scout adventure......
Bear Lake for a week!!!

Randy asked the leader if he could bring our camp trailer.....
jokingly of course.....kinda sorta....not really.

Leader didn't find the humor....

I have strategically placed rocks, bark, and skunk scent under the sheets of Randy's side of the bed.....along with a tent of mosquitoes tucked in around his body.

 I do what I can to help my menz train and prepare for their manly tent trips!!!!

yah.....it's times like these that I'm glad I'm not a man!


paula said...

What?! River had a court of honor and you didn't invite us? RUDE. Just know that when he gets his EAGLE (go for it Riv) that if you don't invite us to that ceremony you will be on the forever SH!T list.

And I think Randy should secretly go park the trailer up there the day before. They'll never know. He could sneak in after everyone falls asleep and get back each morning before they wake up.

lisa_sims said...

Good job Riv. Nothing like some good old fashioned male bonding. Is there such thing as sleeping while camping?

Anonymous said...

Won't that be great when Riv and Randy get their Eagle Scout award!!Don't forget to add the campfire smell to all of Randy's clothing.


Chelise said...

It definitely takes a MAN to enjoy that shit! Tell Riv I'll be there to help him with his Vegas patch! Being dually trained in Horsemanship and Casino-ing, I could be of assistance in this area.....