Thursday, June 24, 2010

{Don't even try!!!!}

When you have kids.....
Don't even try to keep ANYTHING in pristine condition!

Let me focus in a little closer for you.

Bike vs Randy's new pride and joy....
The bike won.

Yes, a boy is still alive.........


After deep breathing, a walk in 45000 circles, and a few inner curse put into perspective,
 that it's just a truck.


paula said...

oh dear...will it buff out or is the scratch down to the metal? Have him tell Jay D about it....we temporarily have a buffer at our house right now.

Chelise said...

Man that is brutal! My poor truck! Randy, I am gonna have to take her back now.....

Amie said...

Nothing a little buffing can't do.....yeah right! Um.....well at least he has a new truck to scratch......