Tuesday, June 15, 2010

{snowing cotton}

The Cottonwood trees are shedding, along with the pollen from many others.
River is so allergic, that his eyes swell shut and he has hives all around his belly :(

A cold, wet, burp-cloth* from River's infant years, adds comfort and relief when held in place by an ear warmer.

*There are some things I will never be able to part with from the boys' childhood.....


lisa_sims said...

awww. Riv. You're not alone buddy. Derek and soooo many others have this too. I am not sure their mom posted such a flattering pic on the internet, but I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Chelise said...

RIV....I'm so sorry you're so miserable buddy!!! Wish I could make it all better for you.....