Tuesday, June 22, 2010

{What a dumb idea!}

Mom said, "Jax! let's see if you can make wood chip angels!  Hurry! Lay down and flap your arms and legs real fast!"

So I did. 

And it hurt. 

And I said, "THIS HURTS! Can I stop now?"
Mom said, "They are just wood chips?!?!?! For reals it hurts?"
"YES!!!" I yelled.
"I think I'm getting some kind of rash! 
Can I please stop?!?!?!"

Mom said I could stop and that she felt so bad that she made me do it.....

but I don't know if she really meant it....
She couldn't quit laughing while she was picking the wood out of my skin and hair.

Very bad idea Mom had!


paula said...

Only an angel boy would do this for his devil mom who stands by and laughs.

Chelise said...


Tracy said...

LMAO!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

That's almost as bad as making your children stay outside during the summer, in July, in Arizona...

It's called Mother's revenge.