Wednesday, June 16, 2010

{things that ROCK my world}

Costco ALWAYS has the best stuff!!!!
And the best stuff isn't limited to the stocked shelves.
Even their toilet facilities are equipped with the latest and greatest equipment.
This Dyson Airblade hand dryer in Costco,

Have you seen these??
Totally NOT like one of the old timers that blow stinky cold air for 5 minutes and still leaves you wiping the rest off on your pants.
You place your hands in from the top and move them downward to start the thin stream of air......hence it's called the "blade."
In about 2.2 seconds, any water that was dripping from your hands is blown off by the same kind of power I would assume a rocket uses to propel into space. 
And the twisted part of me thinks it feels good.
I wish I could stick my head through the openings....
And my feet, and my pits, and my hair and all of my 10,000 body parts.
It's almost massaging in a strange hurricane, pin prickly, skin detaching kind of way.


Amie said...

I fricken love those hand dryers! They do ROCK!!!!

lisa_sims said...

I love these things too. How much do you think it would cost to install one? I would invest in the hair dryer if they have one.

paula said...

I think this company should start making "pleasure toys". WOW. Could you imagine that?

segura2salazar said...

One of my favorite Costco things!!!

Chelise said...

I need to make a trip to Costco just to check this lovely thingy out!

My 3 Fav places...Liquor/Feed store (yes, I have one in the Verde!)...Home Depot...and Costo!

Anonymous said...


What I want is a Costco dry skin defoliator booth & dressing room set-up: body, clothes, brain and all--total new lease on life service any time I feel like it.
Aftermath: skin toner, quick massage--make-up and hair-do refresher optional.
I'd pay a few bucks for that once or twice a month.