Friday, April 24, 2009

Arbor day & Earth week thoughts.....

I'm not an environmentalist. I'm not a tree hugger. I'm not an activist to save a spotted owl......but, I do believe that we can do our part in helping the planet our children and grandchildren will enjoy life on. I like this little ditty....

Take nothing but pictures.

Leave nothing but footprints.

Kill nothing but time.~


Unknown said...

hey Jolie you are right, mind over matter! I will get through this, like everything else life throws me! I'll learn and be better for it! I always do. Of my 7 babies all were natural labors, I had an epi at the very end with Aldarion, but it did not kick in till it was over, if I got through that anything is possible! The thing that bugs me worst is not the pain, its the thought that all this could eventually put me in a wheelchair, I'll be damned if thats happening! I was told 15 years agi with in 2 years I would be in a wheelchair, that doc can kiss my.....
I just hope it does not end up happening now! I want to chase kids, play tag, play in the garden, and so many other things that I could not do then. I have the best docs, and I am stubborn! I breath through lots of pain, not sure that makes sense. I meditate a lot, and the breathing in meditation can be done at anytime, it helps push through pain! So I spend lots of time making sure I breath!
I love to read your blog! It is nice to get to know you again. I have missed you over the years, and your boys are adorable!
love ya

Unknown said...

hey is it ok if mom has the link to your blog? If not thats cool, just wondering. I think she would love to read and say hi