Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oink, Oink!!! In honor of swine flu

Swine flu is the big scare right now. It is so important that we wash our hands and use tissue to cough or sneeze into. It is even more important that we enforce our children to do this FREQUENTLY!
I knew my obsession with Clorox would come in handy!!!! We need to CLOROX everything!!!! Kill all of those deadly germs! And the following things need to be wiped at least once a day....if you're like me, you will do it a few more times than that. Protect our families.

~Light switches
In honor of the swine flu, I'm making a pork tenderloin :) and baked asparagus. A side of applesauce....and there you go! It's super easy! (I saw these instructions on Good Morning Utah or whatever Fox 13 is.)
**Disclaimer: You can't get swine flu from eating pork.
~Place the tenderloin on a large piece of foil
~Drizzle olive oil over the top of meat
~Rub a lot of sage, course sea salt, and pepper into meat
~Close up foil tight and place on cookie sheet (in case of leakage)
~You can bake at 350 for 2 hours -or- slow cook at 250 for 4 hours.
~Let sit for about 15 minutes to cool and soak up juices before cutting and serving

~Cut off the yucky ends
~Lay out asp. on cookie sheet and drizzle olive oil over top
~Sprinkle course sea salt and pepper (lemon is good too)
~Bake at 350 for 10-20 minutes depending on asp. thickness.
~Yum, yum!!!! The kids will love it! It tastes like veggie candy!

1 comment:

ggmlaurapearl said...

I made a smokin' great fresh veggies and basted eggs skillet brunch this past Sunday. It took 90 minutes to prepare, ten minutes to eat, and another 90 minutes to clean up the mess. I need a prep cook assistant.
Grandma B